3 Things About New Tesla roadster - Tesla Crunch


  Written by : Nihar Raval
                               Tesla Roadster


Here is what we know about the prototype ,
unveiled along with the semi truck ; it's 
a four seater convertible that advertised
as $200 thousands and promised for 2019 or
2020.Tesla roadster become the 3rd fastest vehicle on the earth.
 Hears very interesting, Right ?? 
Check the planning of Tesla for 2018.

Range of a Tesla roadster.

The declared range is about 620 miles , which are approximately 100 kilometers.
Not bad,But driven hard i'd been amazed if   anyone got 150. That $29000 80kwh upgrade is allegedly good for 340. 
It's very good afford from the company & now they are working on the batteries for reducing their weight and increasing their capacity. 
We will hope that this technology can prevent us from using of fossil fuels.

Did you cheked Tesla semi Truck ?


performance mode will do 0-60 in 3.7seconds.standard mode is also good for 3.9 This was supercar territory back in the day,But a new mode s will beat it.Top speed is limited to 125mph beacause it is electronically oprated. 

What does Elon musk think about tesla ? 

He loves it,mean he loves it so much.Infact he want to releas roadstar 2 after tesla semitruck & model y.  
After a successful launch of roadster Elon musk want to send it on Mars from falcon heavy Rocket.
And than Tesla will become the first company & Roadster will become the first car of Mars.
This is such a ridiculous thing that A man made car will reach before man !!


This car, available in 2020, will be the fastest production car ever made — and that’s just the base model. Musk explained the idea behind making a car like this is: “The point of all this is just to give a hardcore smackdown to gasoline cars.”

Driving a gas sports car will be like driving “a steam engine with a side of quiche,” Elon added.

The Tesla CEO has long said he doesn’t want to make the best electric cars around, but the best cars, period. Introducing this new wonder-beast, he took on a bolder tone. 

“The point of this is to give the hardcore smackdown to gasoline cars.” He also said it’ll make driving a gas car feel like piloting a steam engine with a side of quiche.

When you make cars this outrageous, you get to make up your own metaphors, apparently.
The original Roadster was Tesla’s first car, the proof of concept it built from 2008 to 2012. 
It was the young automaker’s way of showing that electric cars could be cool, not just overgrown golf carts. People had long asked Musk when he would revive the model to go with his sedans and SUVs, he says. Now he’s making it happen—come 2020.

He then revealed the Roadster isn't a two-seater as you would expect - and as the pictures would suggest - but a 2+2. Musk conceded that you cant won't be able to fit tall people in the back, but he said the rear seats are useful. The new sports car is also said to have ample storage space, meaning it's not just fast and fun, but also useful.

Well, not yet, but at least we know what to expect from the Roadster when it starts production in 2020. The company's plans for the next two or three years seem pretty well laid-out with the Semi coming in 2019, though Musk should squeeze the Model Y somewhere in between as well. Whatever the case, the company's stock should go through the roof in the coming days because saying both these products look promising is a gross euphemism.

Unlike the Semi, Musk did reveal one actual figure about the new Roadster. He told the audience it had 10,000 Nm. of torque (7,375 lb-ft), which, as he himself acknowledged, was "stupid." 
That will come from three motors - one on the front axle and two on each of the rear wheels.
A customary word of caution: Tesla has a history of over-promising and delivering late, 
if ever. Musk is struggling just to produce enough (now quaint-seeming) Model 3. 

The car that should appeal to the masses and make Tesla more than a niche automaker—and finally make it profitable. 

A sports car won’t fix its problems—but it might make one hell of a getaway car
The Roadster should also make drag racing quite boring and repetitive. Knowing all too well that the quarter-mile time is just as important as a Nurburgring lap time, the Tesla CEO revealed the Roadster would clear the distance in 8.9 seconds, making it the first 8-second production car.

At this point, the presentation felt like a rock concert with lots of wooing, clapping, and whistling. 
But probably the best part was yet to come. Musk revealed the sports car (only by looks because otherwise, it's fully worthy of the "hypercar" description) would use a 200 kWh battery pack good for 620 miles of range (1,000 km) at highway speeds.

 That had an even greater reaction from the crowd than the 0-60 mph acceleration.

At one point during the presentation, somebody in the audience yelled "Elon for president!" to which Musk smiled and replied, "Huh, miserable job." Of course you would rather continue making crazy-fast electric cars and space rockets, right?

Musk was obviously feeling quite confident tonight, and for a good reason.
 He put on one of his better performances and delivered a very punchy line that sets Tesla apart from the rest of the car manufacturers (if there was any need for that). 

Talking about the Roadster's performance, he said: "the point of all this is just to give a hardcore smackdown to gasoline cars." Point achieved.

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