Highest speed ever Virgin hyperloop - Tesla Crunch

The name of the team is Virgin Hyperloop.
The xp-1record & it's new speed record in Virgin hyperloop vacuum tube is 386 km/h.
Virgin Hyperloop has officially confirmed that it plans to start building the first hyperloop track in 2019.

Production-line tests should begin in 2021 and hopefully the fast-moving first commercial hyperloop will begin.

# Where will the first Hyperloop track be?

The executive director of Virgin Hyperloop One, Rob Lloyd, confirmed the company's intention to build their first commercial track before 2020.

He said that ....
"We are really sure that somewhere in the world we will begin building a track in 2019 with the initial launch of testing and later a productive track in 2021. "

However, this is just a very vague statement. But they are not sure about to.
where this track might be?
How long it would be or what cities / states could be joined? 
In present,Many states around the world are currently interested in the possibility of hyperloop. 

There are many opportunities in the US for potential routes, many states and cities are actively interested in the hyperloop system.
But the hyperloop is not only the USA, it is possible that the first track will grow anywhere else in the world, as Virgin Hyperloop One is active from many countries at once!!

# let's take a example !

one of the first routes could be between Mexico City and Guadalajara, but we know that Virgin Hyperloop One negotiates a route linking Northern Europe, as well as the opportunity to build the first track in the United Arab Emirates.

# What is the price will be tickets from?

Their Hyperloop POD (Show me Design)and tracks will be accessible to everyone.'Yes,to everyone'.
The  price of the ticket will be only about what the ticket is worth like today's  high-speed train.
It estimates that the ticket price between two cities 50 to 60 km distant could be about US $ 5 or some more.
Virgin Hyperloop One says the air pressure inside the tube when the system is running is equivalent to the air pressure you’d experience at 200,000 feet above sea level. It’s because of this extremely low air pressure that the pod can maintain high speeds with minimal energy use, a concept Tesla CEO Elon Musk proposed should be commercialized in a white paper he was released in almost 2013.

# Fundings.
The most important factors is to build completely new means of transport and creating a whole new infrastructure.
The company has collected another $ 245 million to fund further research.
A large part of this funding is Richard Branson's investment.
Virgin Hyperloop One’s targeted top speed for its Hyperloop system is 670 mph.
The half-kilometre DevLoop track in the Nevada desert is actually a sealed tube; the air is pumped out to a near-vacuum (about the same as that found 60 kilometres above the earth’s surface) to reduce air resistance to negligible levels. The pod is suspended above the rails by magnetic levitation, reducing rolling resistance to zero, and propelled by magnetic induction.

Let's talk..
Virgin Hyperloop One also announced on Monday that Richard Branson, founder of key sponsor will serve as company Chairman. He replaces company founder Shervin Pishevar, who recently stepped down from  The company also managed to raise an additional $50 million, bringing the total financing raised to $295 million since the founding in 2014.
The full-scale test took place on December 15 at the company’s proving ground in Nevada and included the use of all system components including the airlock, electric propulsion, advanced controls and power electronics, custom magnetic levitation and guidance, pod suspension, and of course the vacuum.

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