Bus from Boring company - Tesla Crunch

The Boring company
 Is not just about digging tunnels.The company plans not only to dig up the tunnels.
But also to fully electrify them with the use of electric slides and thus to ease the already disastrous impact of greenhouse gases on our planet.
This is the same but another way to use hyperloop project.
 What's Loop?
Loop is a high-speed underground public transportation system in which passengers are transported on autonomous electric skates traveling at 125-150 miles per hour.  This Electric skates will can carry between 8 and 16 passengers at a same time (mass transit), 
or a single passenger on their vehicle.
Hyperloop is a type of a commercial vehicle ,in that case you are not allowed to go anywhere anytime.
The another great advantage of this skates are you can take your car with you & can travel at high speed.
Musk also has a plan for taking the Boring company on Mars(Boring on Mars).
 The company is also trying to reduce the building cost of  tunnels by reducing the diameter of tunnels.
Musk said, every kilometer that the vehicle with the combustion engine passes in tunnels on electric sledge is a zero-mile kilometer.

Urban planners are divided, with some pointing out that adding infrastructure for additional cars could simply lead to higher demand and new types of congestion problems — in short, Musk's tunnel vision might be innovating in the wrong direction, creating more support for individual driving rather than strengthening alternative modes of transportation, like public transit and high speed rail.

# There are 2 types of electric sleds.

Boring company released images of their futuristic bus concept on electric sledge for their electrified tunnels.

This vehicle first appeared on a video concept presented by The Boring Company at the TED conference in Vancouver.
 In the video,
 We were able to see the solution to the daily mishaps that millions of people have to face around the world every day.  
Muscle Solution is a vast network of tunnels dug under the cities and several levels below.
In the concept of these tunnels, we saw two types of electric sleds.
 Electric chisels into which we can park the vehicle from a combustion or electric engine and electrical cabin,
 which themselves are a bus for mass transportation of people.
we will hope that by bringing this type of technology we can reduce traffic pain & save our time too.

Let's talk in deep..
Hyperloop is not the only brainchild that Musk wants to integrate into the tunnel system. He’s also looking to support the interests of Tesla. With the introduction of electric vehicle programs among the major automakers and the Tesla Semi Truck soon to be unveiled, our roads will likely become more congested than ever before. This is due to the increased affordability of car travel thanks to shared autonomy. The tunnel solution fits in beautifully, allowing drivers to cross major cities without having to contend with surface traffic.
The underground tunnels are already designed to withstand five or six atmospheres to seal against the water table.
This means they are automatically more than capable of holding the vacuum required for hyperloops to work. Expanding on the idea of a tunnel network without a length or depth limit, the hyperloop tech could be effective for densely populated routes such as Washington DC to New York where hyperloop tubing can be easily integrated into the system at a great depth without any disruption to residents above ground.

If you’re thinking that the idea of going underground as opposed to airborne seems a little out of place within a smart city context, you’re not the only one. When Anderson raised this point at TED2017, Musk (of course) had a logical answer. While many of us imagine flying cars to be the transport tech of the future, these would in reality prove very noisy and generate a strong wind force that may be overpowering and amp up the tension in our stressed-out, overworked cities.

For now, the idea remains at the concept stage with the boring machine currently residing at Musk’s SpaceX base in California. Other barriers that need to be broken down include integrating the tunnel entrance and exit into the fabric of each city. Musk plans to create a “car skate… on an elevator” that would take up just two parking spaces and allow cars to be lowered into the tunnel from a platform and electrically powered down a fixed route up to 130 miles per hour. If anyone can do it, he can.

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