7 Specification of Hyperloop One,you should know - Tesla Crunch !

What is Hyperloop ?

Hyperloop is a technology that was proposed by entrepreneur and CEO of electric car company Tesla(See new launches from Tesla)  and
 The Commercial space transport company SpaceX(CRS 13 mission).it is the newly invented transportation system.It can reduce our traveling time.
What's Loop?
Loop is a high-speed underground public transportation system in which passengers are transported on autonomous electric skates traveling at 125-150 miles per hour.  This Electric skates will can carry between 8 and 16 passengers at a same time (mass transit), 
or a single passenger on their vehicle.
It is the new era of transportation systems,Which are going to be change the world.

by-Nihar Raval

Highest speed ever,achieved by Hyperloop !!

#How it works & What is the top speed ?

  By the magnetically levitating system it floats on the surface of the track.
The creation of vacuum within the Hyperloop's tubes almost cancels friction thereby allowing fastest speed ....
It is supposed   to travel over 1000 kph.When it is fully operational.
If you realize that this speed is as same as a like a private jet.
Of course, till now no  regulatory    transportation  systems achieve this speed yet. Hyperloop breaks the record of  The fastest train which is in Tokyo, Japan. Maximum speed of that train is 560 kph.
So,in nearby future hyperloop will become the fastest ground transportation.

Let's check the design and plans of hyperloop.

In the first pic there is a track of the loop Wich is magnetically levitated.


  In the second picture you can see the   compact design of loop & some                dimensions.you can see the vacuum         machine  & power systems at front & the arrangements of seats.


Now,you can see the complex design of of the heavyweight power system,The main work of the power system is to create vacuum by the use of a machine. 


And last as shown as in below picture there is a bottom view of the loop,Wich is the most complicated part of the hyperloop project.

#When it lanch in india.

  Now a days the trial run of a hyperloope  pod is going on Nevada desert.
But as per the intrest of    indian govrnment and Hyperloop team the target is 2020.
It is very difficult to reach at  the   goal.
In india a team of students from bits pilani are disinging a pod of hyperloop,
It is called  orca-loop,Beacause it's shape is like orca whale.

#How can it helps to us ?

  It's system where magnetically levitating capsule are sent at high speed through low pressure tubes,
thereby potentially reducing transportation time of people and goods by more than 80%.
It will save  our lotes of time of travelling.
It can also  be use for milletry purpose or can be use for medical line   as  an ambulance.
 like Planes but it travels at high altitude because of less resistance, imagine a plane travelling inside   semi- vacuum.
By the reducing our traveling time the hyperloop project will help to us.

Let's talk..

The full-scale test took place on December 15 at the company’s proving ground in Nevada and included the use of all system components including the airlock, electric propulsion, advanced controls and power electronics, custom magnetic levitation and guidance, pod suspension, and of course the vacuum.

Virgin Hyperloop One says the air pressure inside the tube when the system is running is equivalent to the air pressure you’d experience at 200,000 feet above sea level. 
The half-kilometre DevLoop track in the Nevada desert is actually a sealed tube; the air is pumped out to a near-vacuum (about the same as that found 60 kilometres above the earth’s surface) to reduce air resistance to negligible levels. The pod is suspended above the rails by magnetic levitation, reducing rolling resistance to zero, and propelled by magnetic induction.
It’s because of this extremely low air pressure that the pod can maintain high speeds with minimal energy use, a concept Tesla CEO Elon Musk proposed should be commercialized in a white paper he released in 2013. Virgin Hyperloop One’s targeted top speed for its Hyperloop system is 670 mph.
Virgin Hyperloop One also announced on Monday that Richard Branson, founder of key sponsor Virgin, will serve as company Chairman. He replaces company founder Shervin Pishevar, who recently stepped down from  The company also managed to raise an additional $50 million, bringing the total financing raised to $295 million since the founding in 2014.

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