5 things coming up from Tesla 2018 - Tesla Crunch

The year of 2017 was quite full of with events. While 2017 was clearly a smooth sail for Elon Musk run Tesla.
  • The highlight of 2017 for Tesla is the introduction of the Semi all electric truck The Roadster.
  • Tesla semi has already been making headlines for its long range and also performance stats.on the base of  Semi's platform, an electric pick-up truck  was also announced.

That is expected to debut right after the Model Y is launched.

  • The all new Tesla Roadster 2 was launched in a new-gen form. where it not only change the look but also promised to be the fastest production car in the world.

But,Now Here is what all we can expect from Tesla and Elon Musk in 2018.

# Model 3.

  • Tesla unveiled the amazing car Model 3 this year. And the model is expected to start production this year.
  • This might not be a constraint anymore as and when Tesla goes full swing in production of Model 3.
  •  The first lot of Model 3 will be offered with the long range battery along with premium interiors.Tesla will release more verients of model 3.
The base model price of model 3 is 35k $ or 23 lacs rupees.It seems costly for a sedan but it's Tesla & worth it.

Tesla' goal is to sell 5k units of the Model 3 per week and then further increase it to 10k units per week at the end of 2018.It's very impressive strategy.

# Model Y

  • The Model Y is believed to be an electric crossover that will sit on the same basics of  Model 3.
  • However, Musk clarify by mentioning that the Model Y will be based on an all-new platform.
  • The only little information that was released by Musk about the Model Y was that the feature of 'Falcon Wing' doors like the Model X will added to model Y. The 
  • Tesla Model Y is expected to start production in 2018. And the launch can happen almost between 2019-20.

# Model S and Model X.

  • The Model S and the Model X are the two most popular models from Tesla. 
  • In fact, the Model X has also arrived in India (check it who is that person) !, not officially but as a private import.

This will be introduced in a phase manner in all the Tesla offerings.

  •  We expect the Tesla Model S and X to get a new significant updates in it's autopilot system that will improve its comfort & range.

# What is the further planning of Tesla ?

  • Tesla has already installed over 8,000 Superchargers in the world & the goal is  18,000 by the end 2018.
  • It sounds difficult but The Man behind the Tesla is Elon musk & you already know that nothing is impossible for him !
  • But now we can only hope that Tesla will successfully completes the target.
  • Since there are not too many other automobile manufacturers like (Thor Truck) who have an all-electric car portfolio!
  • Tesla still has rule over them,It is king.but at least for the new few years when there will be multiple offerings to rival Tesla.
The new range of Tesla cars are must have larger capacity batteries with equally longer ranges at low cost.

Hey guys,
Nihar Raval here,

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Highest speed ever Virgin hyperloop - Tesla Crunch

The name of the team is Virgin Hyperloop.
The xp-1record & it's new speed record in Virgin hyperloop vacuum tube is 386 km/h.
Virgin Hyperloop has officially confirmed that it plans to start building the first hyperloop track in 2019.

Production-line tests should begin in 2021 and hopefully the fast-moving first commercial hyperloop will begin.

# Where will the first Hyperloop track be?

The executive director of Virgin Hyperloop One, Rob Lloyd, confirmed the company's intention to build their first commercial track before 2020.

He said that ....
"We are really sure that somewhere in the world we will begin building a track in 2019 with the initial launch of testing and later a productive track in 2021. "

However, this is just a very vague statement. But they are not sure about to.
where this track might be?
How long it would be or what cities / states could be joined? 
In present,Many states around the world are currently interested in the possibility of hyperloop. 

There are many opportunities in the US for potential routes, many states and cities are actively interested in the hyperloop system.
But the hyperloop is not only the USA, it is possible that the first track will grow anywhere else in the world, as Virgin Hyperloop One is active from many countries at once!!

# let's take a example !

one of the first routes could be between Mexico City and Guadalajara, but we know that Virgin Hyperloop One negotiates a route linking Northern Europe, as well as the opportunity to build the first track in the United Arab Emirates.

# What is the price will be tickets from?

Their Hyperloop POD (Show me Design)and tracks will be accessible to everyone.'Yes,to everyone'.
The  price of the ticket will be only about what the ticket is worth like today's  high-speed train.
It estimates that the ticket price between two cities 50 to 60 km distant could be about US $ 5 or some more.
Virgin Hyperloop One says the air pressure inside the tube when the system is running is equivalent to the air pressure you’d experience at 200,000 feet above sea level. It’s because of this extremely low air pressure that the pod can maintain high speeds with minimal energy use, a concept Tesla CEO Elon Musk proposed should be commercialized in a white paper he was released in almost 2013.

# Fundings.
The most important factors is to build completely new means of transport and creating a whole new infrastructure.
The company has collected another $ 245 million to fund further research.
A large part of this funding is Richard Branson's investment.
Virgin Hyperloop One’s targeted top speed for its Hyperloop system is 670 mph.
The half-kilometre DevLoop track in the Nevada desert is actually a sealed tube; the air is pumped out to a near-vacuum (about the same as that found 60 kilometres above the earth’s surface) to reduce air resistance to negligible levels. The pod is suspended above the rails by magnetic levitation, reducing rolling resistance to zero, and propelled by magnetic induction.

Let's talk..
Virgin Hyperloop One also announced on Monday that Richard Branson, founder of key sponsor will serve as company Chairman. He replaces company founder Shervin Pishevar, who recently stepped down from  The company also managed to raise an additional $50 million, bringing the total financing raised to $295 million since the founding in 2014.
The full-scale test took place on December 15 at the company’s proving ground in Nevada and included the use of all system components including the airlock, electric propulsion, advanced controls and power electronics, custom magnetic levitation and guidance, pod suspension, and of course the vacuum.

5 description of Thor Truck ,Compete to Tesla - Tesla Crunch

Thor Truck 5 description you should know.

A startup with Los Angeles, said they wanted to bring an electric truck to the market,
They even want to offer a service in the form of converting existing trucks to use electricity instead of fossil fuels.
                   Can it beat Tesla ?
by-Nihar Raval

# Basics 

Last week, Thor Trucks released the first official photos of their Transformers-inspired truck, and we have to admit, even here at Engineering Things !

  • The look of the truck is really cool! Thor Trucks uses the ET-One chassis from Navistar, 
  • A Dana axle and
  • An electric motor from TM4, 
  • The Hydro-Quebec subsidiary, on its prototype electric truck ET-One.

From a Side 

From back 

# Competitor of Tesla Semi ?

If we talk about to completion between This trucks and the Tesla semi, it's difficult to guess from now.
The Semi trucks is already taken it's place,
But Thor Trucks are become a topic of discussion.In other hand thor Trucks are far behind the Tesla semi in technology.

So,what are the thoughts of company for taking market ?

Thor trucks is the most focused on battery development and its integration into existing trucks,
so as to be able to convert fossil fuel-fueled trucks into the use of electricity with the help of these technologies.

On the road !
I'm sure they will find interesting their efforts to convert existing electric trucks, But it's hard to imagine that their prototype ET-One will be able to compete with Tesla Semi.
Their truck has several times less race at the same price, even though it can carry the same weight.
And especially when their 480-kilometer version is a few tens of thousands more expensive than the top-of-the-line Tesla Semi with up to 800 km.
The company now has a working prototype of its ET-One, and offered to prospective buyers, and expects to be able to produce the truck in 2019.
 However, there's no indication what the time to ramp up production might be for this 18-person company if some of the big fleet customers place initial orders to trial the trucks, as they have with Tesla.

In parking lot

# The Price.

At this point, however, the company focuses primarily on their prototype. 
ET-One should come to market rather than  The Truck is so powerful be able to carry a 36 ton load.
Price should start at 148,000 $. it's most expensive version should be worth 249,000 $.
This can be improved for taking the place of Tesla semi truck,they should not be so expensive, because the as this same price Tesla semi has more upgraded technology and the main thing is a trust.
So,if Thor want to become the boss they must have to reduce their prices,and should improve their automatic systems.

# Power of this truck.

The plan is to release many versions, which should be differentiated not only by the design & size of the battery,
They also have to work on the increasing the capacity of batteries & reducing the weight of batteries.
But also by performance & also good for company. ET-One will produce the power of 300 to 700 horsepower.
I think the war of taking market has been started.

Basics let's talk.
What seemed like a frivolous idea just a short while ago is looking more and more like a very viable future for transportation fleets, and although Tesla, as always, gets the most coverage for Tesla semi truck,there are a number of other companies building their own electric cargo haulers. 
Among the latest to surface in the news is the startup Thor Motors, which just announced its own offering, the ET-One, said to be available as soon as 2019.

The Class 8 ET-One is claimed to have a hauling capacity of 80,000 pounds and a range of about 300 miles per charge, with a 90-minute charge time.

According to Bloomberg one of the founders of Thor Trucks, Dakota Semler, managed the fleet of trucks at his family's vineyard, first converting them to run on waste vegetable oil, and then turning his sights to the electrification of semis. Instead of building an entire vehicle from the ground up,
 Thor Trucks focuses on what it believes it can do best, which is to optimize its battery packs and electric drivetrain, as well as work on the software that helps to make the most of the capacity.
The price is expected to be about $150,000, which is significantly cheaper than the presumed $180,000 Tesla Semi, but they're also two completely different animals, so to speak. 
It intends to deliver a 70% savings in fuel costs per mile, as well as 60% lower maintenance costs, with the intended market being short-haul and regional fleets. Even aside from the differing specs on the two models, the companies themselves are virtual opposites.
 Whereas Tesla has not only its vehicle production facilities up and running, as well as its own battery production pipeline in place, Thor Trucks is operating out of an LA-area warehouse, where it currently takes existing truck platforms and retrofits an electric drivetrain and battery pack into them according to the needs and specifications of customers.

  Hey guys, 
  Nihar Raval here,
  If you want to know about any topic of Tesla or boring company or on hyperloop you can tell me by commenting below.
Thanks for visiting !

Bus from Boring company - Tesla Crunch

The Boring company
 Is not just about digging tunnels.The company plans not only to dig up the tunnels.
But also to fully electrify them with the use of electric slides and thus to ease the already disastrous impact of greenhouse gases on our planet.
This is the same but another way to use hyperloop project.
 What's Loop?
Loop is a high-speed underground public transportation system in which passengers are transported on autonomous electric skates traveling at 125-150 miles per hour.  This Electric skates will can carry between 8 and 16 passengers at a same time (mass transit), 
or a single passenger on their vehicle.
Hyperloop is a type of a commercial vehicle ,in that case you are not allowed to go anywhere anytime.
The another great advantage of this skates are you can take your car with you & can travel at high speed.
Musk also has a plan for taking the Boring company on Mars(Boring on Mars).
 The company is also trying to reduce the building cost of  tunnels by reducing the diameter of tunnels.
Musk said, every kilometer that the vehicle with the combustion engine passes in tunnels on electric sledge is a zero-mile kilometer.

Urban planners are divided, with some pointing out that adding infrastructure for additional cars could simply lead to higher demand and new types of congestion problems — in short, Musk's tunnel vision might be innovating in the wrong direction, creating more support for individual driving rather than strengthening alternative modes of transportation, like public transit and high speed rail.

# There are 2 types of electric sleds.

Boring company released images of their futuristic bus concept on electric sledge for their electrified tunnels.

This vehicle first appeared on a video concept presented by The Boring Company at the TED conference in Vancouver.
 In the video,
 We were able to see the solution to the daily mishaps that millions of people have to face around the world every day.  
Muscle Solution is a vast network of tunnels dug under the cities and several levels below.
In the concept of these tunnels, we saw two types of electric sleds.
 Electric chisels into which we can park the vehicle from a combustion or electric engine and electrical cabin,
 which themselves are a bus for mass transportation of people.
we will hope that by bringing this type of technology we can reduce traffic pain & save our time too.

Let's talk in deep..
Hyperloop is not the only brainchild that Musk wants to integrate into the tunnel system. He’s also looking to support the interests of Tesla. With the introduction of electric vehicle programs among the major automakers and the Tesla Semi Truck soon to be unveiled, our roads will likely become more congested than ever before. This is due to the increased affordability of car travel thanks to shared autonomy. The tunnel solution fits in beautifully, allowing drivers to cross major cities without having to contend with surface traffic.
The underground tunnels are already designed to withstand five or six atmospheres to seal against the water table.
This means they are automatically more than capable of holding the vacuum required for hyperloops to work. Expanding on the idea of a tunnel network without a length or depth limit, the hyperloop tech could be effective for densely populated routes such as Washington DC to New York where hyperloop tubing can be easily integrated into the system at a great depth without any disruption to residents above ground.

If you’re thinking that the idea of going underground as opposed to airborne seems a little out of place within a smart city context, you’re not the only one. When Anderson raised this point at TED2017, Musk (of course) had a logical answer. While many of us imagine flying cars to be the transport tech of the future, these would in reality prove very noisy and generate a strong wind force that may be overpowering and amp up the tension in our stressed-out, overworked cities.

For now, the idea remains at the concept stage with the boring machine currently residing at Musk’s SpaceX base in California. Other barriers that need to be broken down include integrating the tunnel entrance and exit into the fabric of each city. Musk plans to create a “car skate… on an elevator” that would take up just two parking spaces and allow cars to be lowered into the tunnel from a platform and electrically powered down a fixed route up to 130 miles per hour. If anyone can do it, he can.

7 Specification of Hyperloop One,you should know - Tesla Crunch !

What is Hyperloop ?

Hyperloop is a technology that was proposed by entrepreneur and CEO of electric car company Tesla(See new launches from Tesla)  and
 The Commercial space transport company SpaceX(CRS 13 mission).it is the newly invented transportation system.It can reduce our traveling time.
What's Loop?
Loop is a high-speed underground public transportation system in which passengers are transported on autonomous electric skates traveling at 125-150 miles per hour.  This Electric skates will can carry between 8 and 16 passengers at a same time (mass transit), 
or a single passenger on their vehicle.
It is the new era of transportation systems,Which are going to be change the world.

by-Nihar Raval

Highest speed ever,achieved by Hyperloop !!

#How it works & What is the top speed ?

  By the magnetically levitating system it floats on the surface of the track.
The creation of vacuum within the Hyperloop's tubes almost cancels friction thereby allowing fastest speed ....
It is supposed   to travel over 1000 kph.When it is fully operational.
If you realize that this speed is as same as a like a private jet.
Of course, till now no  regulatory    transportation  systems achieve this speed yet. Hyperloop breaks the record of  The fastest train which is in Tokyo, Japan. Maximum speed of that train is 560 kph.
So,in nearby future hyperloop will become the fastest ground transportation.

Let's check the design and plans of hyperloop.

In the first pic there is a track of the loop Wich is magnetically levitated.


  In the second picture you can see the   compact design of loop & some                dimensions.you can see the vacuum         machine  & power systems at front & the arrangements of seats.


Now,you can see the complex design of of the heavyweight power system,The main work of the power system is to create vacuum by the use of a machine. 


And last as shown as in below picture there is a bottom view of the loop,Wich is the most complicated part of the hyperloop project.

#When it lanch in india.

  Now a days the trial run of a hyperloope  pod is going on Nevada desert.
But as per the intrest of    indian govrnment and Hyperloop team the target is 2020.
It is very difficult to reach at  the   goal.
In india a team of students from bits pilani are disinging a pod of hyperloop,
It is called  orca-loop,Beacause it's shape is like orca whale.

#How can it helps to us ?

  It's system where magnetically levitating capsule are sent at high speed through low pressure tubes,
thereby potentially reducing transportation time of people and goods by more than 80%.
It will save  our lotes of time of travelling.
It can also  be use for milletry purpose or can be use for medical line   as  an ambulance.
 like Planes but it travels at high altitude because of less resistance, imagine a plane travelling inside   semi- vacuum.
By the reducing our traveling time the hyperloop project will help to us.

Let's talk..

The full-scale test took place on December 15 at the company’s proving ground in Nevada and included the use of all system components including the airlock, electric propulsion, advanced controls and power electronics, custom magnetic levitation and guidance, pod suspension, and of course the vacuum.

Virgin Hyperloop One says the air pressure inside the tube when the system is running is equivalent to the air pressure you’d experience at 200,000 feet above sea level. 
The half-kilometre DevLoop track in the Nevada desert is actually a sealed tube; the air is pumped out to a near-vacuum (about the same as that found 60 kilometres above the earth’s surface) to reduce air resistance to negligible levels. The pod is suspended above the rails by magnetic levitation, reducing rolling resistance to zero, and propelled by magnetic induction.
It’s because of this extremely low air pressure that the pod can maintain high speeds with minimal energy use, a concept Tesla CEO Elon Musk proposed should be commercialized in a white paper he released in 2013. Virgin Hyperloop One’s targeted top speed for its Hyperloop system is 670 mph.
Virgin Hyperloop One also announced on Monday that Richard Branson, founder of key sponsor Virgin, will serve as company Chairman. He replaces company founder Shervin Pishevar, who recently stepped down from  The company also managed to raise an additional $50 million, bringing the total financing raised to $295 million since the founding in 2014.

1 owner of Tesla Model X in India, price ,Not a Mystery anymore..

# First buyer from India.

The car is spotted running on Mumbai roads  and the details of its owner have also been revealed.
The said Tesla Model X belongs to Shashi Ruia,CEO of  Essar Group.
Who is the resident of south Mumbai..
by- Nihar Raval
What's coming up from Tesla ?

# Launched in India ?

It has to be noted that the Tesla Model X has not been launched officially in India and hence,
 so the first owner of the Tesla from India buy  it & import privately.
Elon Musk owner of Tesla will mark its footprints to India soon.
Tesla is getting a lot of interest from Indians and recently, a Tesla Model X landed in India. It was later learned that the blue colored Tesla Model X was bought by Prashant Ruia, CEO of Essar Group.
who imported the electric SUV for his personal use, making him the 1st Indian to own a Tesla in India.
The Tesla Model X is the company’s 3rd product after the Roadster and Model S. The Tesla Model X is a full-sized, all-electric, luxury, crossover SUV made by Tesla, Inc. that uses falcon wing doors for access to the second and third-row seats.
The price of the Tesla Model X ranges between73,800 $ to 1,28,300 $ in the international markets, In india it is likely to Rs 47.46 lakh and Rs 82.51 lakh..


# Beauty of Tesla Model X.

The Tesla Model X comes with falcon doors with vertical operation.
For the prime visual highlights of the SUV.
The interior is filled with beautiful leather.which is manual.
Dashboard has Multiple touchscreens which looks like the cabin futuristic ,
The Tesla Model X comes with semi-auto driver,And lots of another things .
Model X is most popular model among the other models beacause it's beautiful design and the "Falcon wings" doors.
The another reason is that the car is a premium SUV, therefore it's selling is increasing,Than another models.
Now in India there are Two Teslas is running on the road and the both models are Model X.

#Power of Model X.
The motor at the front wheels churns out a maximum power output of 255 hp while the one mounted at the rear is good for developing 496 horses.
 The combined torque output of the car stands at an impressive 967 Nm.
The Model X can hit up to 250 km/h.
The  model x that has been imported into India is Tesla Model X 90 D with power of  90 kWh battery pack which company claims to provide a range of 4oo km. With dual motor all-wheel drive, Tesla Model X can sprint from 0-100 km/h in just 4.8 seconds.
In terms of safety, Tesla Model X gets active safety technologies, including collision avoidance and automatic emergency braking, three-position dynamic LED turning lights, LED fog lights and power-folding, heated side mirrors.This are the primary features of Tesla but if you want more power or more range or interior or anything other unique features you want ,then you can customize your Tesla model x. The Tesla Model X 90D retails for GBP 88k which is equivalent to Rs 75 lacs. approximately.
 After the import duties, it is expected that the car would have cost around Rs 1 crore to the buyer. However, the base model starts for Rs 55 lacs
 Tesla has no plans to enter the Indian market anytime now,but  pre-orders for the Tesla Model 3 were opened to Indian buyers in April 2016.

Xiaomi electric scooter in india, specification, price. Full review

Xiaomi could soon bring its e-bikes and other electronic products to India.

by-Nihar Raval
Xiaomi a well know company of china has Informed that now it will brings the  electric vehicles in India very soon.
The smartphone maker thinks that it can sell electric vehicles in India too.
 "All types of vehicles for transport, conveyance and other transport equipment."
Xiaomi is also eyeing the country’s payments bank space.
India unit turned profitable in its third year of operations, is already selling e-bikes, home appliances and other electronic items in China.
 It recently committed to investing about $1 billion in Indian start-ups behalf of the start-up India program which is already committed it's best.


The Mi Electric Scooter has a top speed of 25kmph and comes with LG 1850 EV-lithium ion battery with a battery capacity of 280Wh.
The scooter comes with instantaneous power of 500W.
There is an E-ABS anti-lock braking system present at the front wheel while the double disc braking system ensures that the scooter comes to a halt quickly in a smooth it's weight is about 12.5 kg.
MiJia Electric Scooter was born with a simple design, where every detail works for the comfort and ease of use. In order to provide the most comfortable and exciting riding experience, the scooter has been given a solid construction with a folding design, a long stable handlebar and pneumatic tires that absorb bumps. And all you need to do to wake this road monster up is push a button.


As par the information the price of the e-bike will be around 19,500 rupees. It is not sure .The scooter can also pair with Xiaomi's Mi Ecosystem smartphone app via Bluetooth so riders can track their cycling habits, riding speed, power remaining, and energy recovery system intensity.

Xiaomi is known for a wide array of Mi Ecosystem devices. The company recently forayed into the Indian smart home appliances space with the Mi Air Purifier 2.
Xiaomi's Mi electric scooter seems to be exclusive to China, for now, and the company is yet to announce global pricing and availability details. The Mi Air Purifier 2 which was first announced in China in November last year costs Rs 9,999 in India and is available for buying from Mi.com/in as well as from Flipkart.

The Mi Air Purifier 2 is almost 40 per cent smaller than the original Mi Air Purifier and comes with an updated system of air flow and CARD performance of 330m3/h (standard). The device consists of a single motor, dual booster fans and three layers of filter: pre-filter, HEPA filter, and activated carbon filter. The cleaning range lies anywhere between 23.1m2-39.6m2.